G6NHU-2 DXSpider statistics

Cluster Data in and out of G6NHU-2
msg Traffic Graph
CPU Usage of node and its children in secs
proc Traffic Graph
Users and Nodes on G6NHU-2
users Traffic Graph
Total Users and Nodes in the Visible Cluster Network
totalusers Traffic Graph
Total Spots
totalspots Traffic Graph
HF and VHF+ Spots
hfspots Traffic Graph
wwvsfi Traffic Graph
WWV A and K
wwvka Traffic Graph
WCY A and K
wcyka Traffic Graph
Incoming PC92 C and K Record bytes
pc92ck Traffic Graph
Incoming PC92 A and D Record bytes
pc92ad Traffic Graph

MRTG Multi Router Traffic Grapher
version 2.17.7 Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch> and Dave Rand <dlr@bungi.com>